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North Central Newfoundland Club


What is a Newfoundland & Is it Right for You?

The Newf is a very large dog, and when full grown generally stands about 24" (female) or 28" (male) at the shoulders.  Newfoundlands usually weight between 110 to 150 pounds, with males generally larger than females.  Most Newfs are Black, but other colors are White and Black (Landseer), Brown or Gray.  

Newfies are wonderful dogs and have great temperaments.  They can be gentle, calm, loyal and are referred to as "Gentle Giants".  Children to senior citizens can all be around these magnificent animals.  Remember,  Newfies go through normal puppy stages and teenage years with energy.  Basic training is a must.  While large, their temperament will prevent them from being guard dogs.  Newfies are intelligent and learn quickly.  They can be trained for special activities such as therapy work, reading programs, tracking, drafting, carting, agility, water work, and rally.

Special Considerations for Potential Newfie Owners:

SIZE:  They are large dogs so consider the size of your home and yard as they need space.  They are also strong dogs so consider that they can pull and knock humans over by accident.

VET CARE: Any large dog means higher vet bills as medications, treatments and potential surgeries increase with size and weight. Large breeds, including Newfs, are prone to hip dysplasia, heart problems, skin ailments and arthritis.  The NCA, along with regional clubs like ours, actively work to ensure the healthiest Newfs possible and fund research into Newfoundland health issues.

FOOD: Newfs obviously need more food than small dogs and should always be fed a quality diet to prevent health issues.

GROOMING: Whether you groom your Newf or go to a groomer, it's a big task. With their heavy double coat, regular grooming is a must and helps their skin stay dry.  Proper grooming not only makes your dog look great, but is important to their health.  Keeping your Newf brushed, allows proper air flow helping them stay cool in summer and warm in winter.  

DROOL:  The amount of drool varies between Newfs but plan on drooling.  Many Newfs wear bibs and owners keep a drool rag handy at all times.   On your clothes, on your walls, drool happily ends up all over.

SHEDDING:  Fur will be on everything you own - house, furniture, car and sometimes in food 

TAILS: The beautiful tail of the Newf wags as they are happy dogs but this means they are the perfect height to knock off items for all items on coffee tables and other surfaces.

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