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North Central Newfoundland Club

BECOME A New Member

New Membership Application Process:

  • Join us for an event and get to know NCNC Members!  The new member application process does require a sponsor so attending one of our functions (please see our Calendar of Events) helps to find a sponsor.  If you're having trouble finding a sponsor, please contact our First Vice President, Cissy Sullivan, via our Contact page and she will be happy to discuss sponsorship with you.
  • Once you have a sponsor, please choose a membership level from the list below.  Please note that Senior Discounts are available.
  • Proceed to and complete the new member form. 
  • You will be asked to submit your payment at the time of application.
  • Once your form and payment are submitted, you will receive an email with information regarding next steps.  It will explain that your application will be circulated for approval, with a waiting period of 30 days (per our club bylaws) and then, a vote by the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting.  In the meantime, you will receive our email updates and invitations to club events. 
  • Once your membership is approved at the Board Meeting, you will receive a membership welcome email.

Type of Memberships:

  • FULL MEMBERSHIP status entitles a member to all rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership, including the right to vote on official club business, hold elected offices and any appointed leadership positions.  Note: For individuals who are 60 years of age or over, we would like to extend a special Senior Discount of $10 at time of application.  Discount Code: SRFULL
  • FAMILY MEMBERSHIP is open to two adults and any children under the age of 18, who are living in the same household.   The whole family is entitled to all privileges and responsibilities – the right to vote however is limited to 2 votes.  Note: For primary individuals of the family who are 60 years of age or over, we would like to extend a special Senior Discount of $12 at time of application.  Discount Code: SRFAMILY
  • JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP shall be open to all individuals under 18, not already part of a family membership.  The junior membership status entitles the member to all rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership, excluding the right to vote or hold any elected offices.

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